The all new Rolls Royce Ghost – The pinnacle of minimalist luxury

The Rolls Royce Ghost was unveiled on Tuesday, and it is nothing like we’d imagined it to be. Its design seems simpler, subtler, and carries with it this aura of purity. The new design was intended for a different kind of wealthy person, for someone who wants the luxury without the pretentiousness. 

To quote CEO Torsten Müller-Ötvös , “We found that these clients are showing a marked tendency towards luxury objects that celebrate reduction and restraint — that don’t shout, but rather, whisper”.

And whisper it does – In the original design, the interiors of the Ghost were so quiet, the acoustic engineers had to find a way to combine the various soft sounds of the car into a continuous humming whisper, comforting its occupants.

In addition, the Ghost also displays its signature starlight effect on the dashboard – a feature that can be turned off or on.

With a V12 engine located behind the front wheel offering power and appropriate weight balance, the new Ghost should be a joy to drive, for those who can afford the 300,000 $ price tag. It’s expensive, but  definitely worth it.

Editor : Rohit, Driveaholic

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